The following represents the policies and procedures of Pacific Link College Co-op Program.
I accept that the placements are paid and intended for educational purposes only and that self-employment opportunities without a supervisor do not count for Co-op hours.
I understand that I must have successfully passed 80% of my academic portion and have paid my school fees in full before being approved for Co-op placement.
I accept that placements depend on the availability of host companies, also on the timing of my placement, my skills, experience, language level and performance in the interview. With my best interests in mind and using their best judgment and expertise, I consent that the Co-op Coordinator or other College Personnel may choose a suitable placement for me at their discretion.
I understand that the College will endeavor to set up interviews in appropriate facilities. Should I refuse any reasonable job placement opportunity, or any reasonable job offer, without a justifiable reason, it will become my responsibility to find my own placement which would have to be approved by the Co-op Department to ensure suitability.
I understand that the Co-op Program only allows me to work the hours that are stated in the program outline.
I understand that I must maintain an attendance average of greater than 80% to participate in the Co-op Program. If this requirement is not met, I need to contact the Campus Manager or Co-op Coordinator to proceed with the program further.
I accept that, although many businesses are in the Surrey and Burnaby area, a placement may be located farther away.
I accept that I am expected to behave in a professional and business-like manner during the course of the Co-op including but not limited to respecting the dress code of the host company, attending the workplace at the times required by my Co-op and exhibiting professional behavior while in the workplace.
I accept that I am also responsible for any other miscellaneous program related costs including but not limited to transportation to/from the interview/placement. Should extensive travel, 3rd party training or expenses be required, this will be subject to discussion and agreement between the host company, the Co-op Coordinator (or College director) and the student.
I accept that any host company property (such as security passes, training material, documentation, equipment etc.) that I am given access to during the Co-op will be returned to the employer at the completion of the Work Experience.
I accept that, during the course of the Co-op, I may be provided access to confidential information regarding the host company and/or its business operations and relationships. I agree to keep this information confidential and, should it be required, I am willing to sign the Confidentiality or Non-Disclosure Agreement provided by the host company once it has been reviewed by the College.
I agree that, if there is a concern in the host company or an issue regarding the Co-op, I will contact PLC immediately within 24 hours to arrange a site visit or meeting to further discuss the events. In the event that working conditions are no longer conducive to the learning of the student, every effort will be made to find a new host company however there may be a timely suspension of the Co-op during this transition. I further understand that if I do not notify the Co-op Coordinator and make the decision to quit attending the Co-op on my own without a just cause, I will be responsible for finding a suitable placement.
I accept that I am responsible for maintaining all the appropriate work authorizations during the course of the Co-op including but not limited to the appropriate work and study visas, valid passports, security clearances, etc.
I understand that the host company is under no obligation to offer me employment following the Co-op and, if they should, that this is a matter of discussion between the host company and the student and that PLC’s responsibilities conclude at the completion of the Co-op.
I understand that I will receive the following documents prior to the start of the Co-op Program placement:
I understand that, in order to satisfy the requirements of the Co-op program and receive my diploma I will need to meet the following conditions:
I confirm that the information I have given in this application, resume and cover letter is true and correct, otherwise my program or placement may be changed or delayed.
I am aware that I may not be allowed to return to class after the Co-op unless the following documents are completed:
I have read and understood the policies and procedures contained in this guide and will