The purpose of the Work Experience Program is to provide you, the student, with experience in a real working environment and be able to apply some of the knowledge you have gained from your classroom-based courses to this experience.

Professional Development Report

At the end of the Co-op / Work Experience you will be asked to prepare and submit a Professional Development Report. This report will ask you to reflect on your work experience and apply it to both the knowledge you gained during your classroom sessions as well as your career goals, ambitions and experience gained in an actual work setting. This document provides a simple means for you to report to PLC/Co-op Coordinator on both the content and value of your work assignment and it gives you a chance to reflect on the work you have done in both a personal and professional manner. You should think of your report, therefore, as both a formal academic assignment and as a personal opportunity to use and enhance your skills as a communicator. This is to be submitted to the Co-op Coordinator, by email on or before the last week of the Co-op / Work experience and is a required element for completion of your program.

Requirements: Answer all the following questions in a professional written manner.